Membre de la SCNAT

La NGT encourage ses membres et le public à profiter des sciences naturelles. Elle s'est engagée à approfondir les connaissances scientifiques et leur application. La NGT soutient les jeunes ayant des penchants scientifiques et protège les intérêts de la conservation de la nature.en plus

Image : Visions-AD, stock.adobe.comen plus

Guidelines for healthy global scientific collaborations

Global scientific partnerships should generate and share knowledge equitably, but too often exploit research partners in low-income countries, while disproportionately benefitting those in higher-income countries. Here, I outline my suggestions for more-equitable partnerships.

Guidelines for healthy global scientific collaborations

reade the full comment by Dolors Armenteras in nature

Sujets correspondants

A systematic review on ethical challenges of ‘field’ research in low-income and middle-income countries: respect, justice and beneficence for research staff?

A systematic review on ethical challenges of ‘field’ research in low-income and middle-income countries: respect, justice and beneficence for research staff?

Primary data collection in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) is associated with a range of ethical complexities. Considerations on how to adequately ensure the well-being of research staff are largely

do no harm.png

Do no harm? Field research in the Global South: Ethical challenges faced by research staff

The rise of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to rigorously evaluate development policy is characterized by a wide range of ethical complexities. While the literature has identified ethical challenges pertaining to

